Selfnet Blog

May 03, 2018

Connected Anna-Herrigel-Haus to the dormitory network

Last Friday (2018-04-27) we connected the Anna-Herrigel-Haus to the dormitory network.

As with all newly connected dormitories we:

  • Checked the RJ45 LAN network outlets in all rooms using a measurement device.
  • Mounted the access switch into the rack which distributes the network connection from our fibre network.
  • Connected the optical fibers using optical transceivers. Most of the transceivers (SFP+) we buy are sold by Flexoptix. In this case we used 10G SFP+ BIDI LR LC, 10km, 1330 nm, singlemode transceivers.
  • Connected all patchpanel copper RJ45 LAN connectors (which on the other end lead to the network outlet in a room) to the switch.
  • Made sure everything works.

Switchroom with laptop connected via serial console to access switch to configure fiberoptic uplink. // Switchraum mit Laptop das über eine serielle Konsole mit dem Switch verbunden ist um den Glasfaser-Uplink einzurichten. Starting to patch the the copper RJ45 patchcables neatly between patchpanel and switch. // Während des Patchens der RJ45 Kupferkabel zwischen Patchpanel und Switch. Photo from outside of building. // Foto des Hauses vom Garten aus. Close up of operational switch showing neatly connected cables. // Nahansicht der Verkabelung. Completely patched and operational Switch fully patched with all cables. // Komplett angeschlossener Switch. plaque in the entrance area (translation from German): Until 1943 this was the "Jakobiheim", named after Margarethe Jakobi 1910 given to the female teachers of Canstatt, destroyed by bombs in 1943, the house could be rebuilt thanks to Anna Herrigel in 1953/54. // Gedenktafel im Eingangsbereich: Bis 1943 stand hier das "Jakobiheim", von Margarethe Jakobi 1910 den Cannstatter Lehrerinnen gestiftet, 1943 durch Fliegerbomben zerstört, konnte das Haus 1953/54 dank der tatkräftigen Bemühungen von Anna Herrigel wieder aufgebaut werden. Speedtest in progress showing a Download speed of 983.88 Mbit/s. // Speedtest im Gange der im Download 983,88 Mbit/s anzeigt.

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