2 min read

Invitation to our general meeting of 2018

Invitation to our general meeting of 2018

Dear Member,

please find attached the invitation to our general meeting of 2018. Please note that this meeting will be in German language only. However, the topics that will be discussed include:

  1. reception and establishing decision capability
  2. report about what the club did in the year 2017/2018
    1. report by the elected board of directors
    2. treasurer’s report
    3. report of data protection commissioner
  3. report of the financial auditors
  4. exoneration of the elected board of directors
  5. proposals for changing the clubs statutes
  6. election of new board of directors
  7. prospect for the next year 2018/2019
  8. information about connecting new dormitories
  9. resolution regarding the future orientation of Selfnet e.V.
  10. checking the presence of all keys
  11. miscellaneous

Please note that this general meeting will include proposals for changing the clubs statutes. See attached document for the proposals.

  • Date: Wednesday, 18th of April 2018 at 7:00 PM
  • Location: Ă–kumenisches Zentrum, Allmandring 6, 70569 Stuttgart

PDF invitation

Selfnet e.V.
Board of Directors